In a dream world
--Dhrubo- Joti
If we had a perfect world
happness and love abound
and in this utoprtic dream world
there would be no hurt to be found
peace and brotherhood would florish
we would help nature nurture
every ocean river and stream
we would all live in paradise
a vertual heaven on earth
from orchid to wilderness
frowers would encircle earths girth
all disease would disappear
and no one would die of hunger
and there would be no fears or tears
and we would live forever young
we wake from that dream
to find all around
greed and opression
disease and cruelty
starvation and death
warfare and famine
আলোকরেখা সত্যি একটা একটি সংগ্রহশালা। আলোকরেখা পাঠকের কাছে জনপ্রিয় হবার কারণ নতুন নতুন চমৎকার। " In a dream world" আলোকরেখার নুতুন অলংকরণ
ReplyDeleteWe crave and dream a perfect world filled with happiness and love. The poet has shown this dream through his poetry. As the fear of hunger will be hungry, the rivers of the sea in Paradise. my best wishes to poet. thanks to alokrekha!
ReplyDeleteWe dream. We live in a dream. Suddenly a cruelty is brought back by pushing it into reality. When we wake up from dream, unexpected diseases and cruelty, starvation and death battle and famine. In a dream world poet Dhrubo- Joti has excelled in his poetry in a dream and reality. many many good wishes for Dhrubo- Joti and alokrekha
ReplyDeleteIt is very surprising. Presenting the new poet. poet Dhrubo- Joti has introduced us"In a dream world" two worlds through his poetry. A fictitious and a reality Words of poetry are beautiful in style and emotions. Many good wishes poet and thanks alokrekha.
ReplyDeleteআলোকরেখা সত্যি একটা একটি সংগ্রহশালা। যে কোন মুক্ত চিন্তার লেখা যা আপনার চেতনাকে প্রকাশ করে ও অন্যকে সম্মৃদ্ধ করে- সকল ভাষা অন্বেষণ,সংস্কৃতি চর্চা ,মুক্তচিন্তা ,নিরপেক্ষ চেতনা সম্ভব। তাই প্রমান নতুন কবি ধ্রুব জোত্যির ইংরেজি কবিতা "In a dream world"। অনেক শুভেচ্ছা কবি।